
Luchanskii Oleg

September 27, 2022 · 1 min read

How Gatsby, NodeJS, Rust can’t handle simple task 🦀


tl;dr: gatsby and nodejs take a lot of memory.

tl;dr2: cargo install execute in docker build very long time ( > 15 min), because they need download crates index from wich size > 215 mb (avg download speed ~200 kb/sec).

How it all started

I needed to build an email subscription - just take email and put it in database. Thats all.

So this looking like single API, wich get email address (single string) from frontend and put in airtable (our stratup backend). We using Gatsby for static page generation, and Gatsby has Functions:

export default function handler(req, res) {
  res.status(200).json({ hello: `world` });

So, solution for email subscription:

const subscribe = (
  req: GatsbyFunctionRequest<string>,
  res: GatsbyFunctionResponse
) => {
  const { email } = JSON.parse(req.body);

    createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),

  return res.json({ status: "ok" });

We using docker for applications, and so we need rewrite our dockerfile:

FROM node:18-alpine3.15 AS builder


RUN apk add vips-dev fftw-dev build-base python3 util-linux --update --no-cache
COPY package.json yarn.lock .yarnrc.yml ./
COPY .yarn ./.yarn
RUN yarn install
COPY . .
RUN yarn gatsby telemetry --disable
RUN yarn build

-FROM nginx:1.20-alpine
+FROM node:18-alpine3.15

-COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
-COPY --from=builder ./app/public /usr/share/nginx/html/

+COPY --from=builder ./app /app
+RUN yarn install
+RUN yarn gatsby telemetry --disable
+CMD [ "yarn", "serve", "-H", "" ]

Now, application stop using Nginx, which take ~80mb memory, and starting using NodeJS with >512 mb memory. Little remark we use 1 GB memory hosting (cheaper digital ocean droplet).

We stopped using this solution, because time to time we got error out of memory. This is so expensive memory usage for single API call.

Try again, Rust way

So I was trying using Rust. I choose rocket for web, reqwest for calling Airtable API. Cargo.toml file:

name = "api"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

rocket = { version = "0.5.0-rc.2", features = ["secrets"] }
reqwest = "0.11"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

So, I started from writing simple experiment Dockerfile:

FROM rust:1.60

WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp
COPY . .

RUN cargo install --path .

CMD ["myapp"]

And when you trying build this simple image, it will get 15 - 30 min and you think building is stuck at this moment:

Installing api v0.1.0 (/usr/src/myapp)
    Updating index

Why it’s happen? When you try building application or install dependencies, thats require cargo index.

Cargo Index

This is git repostiory, wich contain index of crates for help searching it. Current size of index about ~100 mb, but in git with fully history it take about ~210 mb. When you start install dependencies in docker you need download full history from github, but github has speed limit for downloading (about 200 kb/sec). So, every time when you need build simple application, it will take 15 - 30 minutes. How it fix? You can add the hack in dockerfile, but with some tradeoffs. Or you can skip downloading index, but only in nightly build (this feature unstable and can be change).

When it can be fix with rust community? There is RFC about this problem and solution (sparse-index), so Rust development team activly build this feature, you can track the issue.

Whats next?

I’ll try golang for single API, because this is not my way using a hack which can broke.

© 2023, Luchanskii Oleg
Built with OpenSource